英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 17:23:25

shake up

英 [ʃeik ʌp]

美 [ʃek ʌp]

摇匀; 以摇动弄好; 使战栗; 吃惊

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1. make fuller by shaking

e.g. fluff up the pillows

Synonym: fluff upplump up

2. change the arrangement or position of

Synonym: agitatevexdisturbcommovestir upraise up

3. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

e.g. These stories shook the community
the civil war shook the country

Synonym: stimulateshakeexcitestir

4. shock physically

e.g. Georgia was shaken up in the Tech game

Synonym: jarbump around

5. shake
especially (a patient to detect fluids or air in the body)

Synonym: succuss

6. organize anew

e.g. We must reorganize the company if we don't want to go under

Synonym: reorganizereorganise

1. 彻底调整,重组,改革(组织、机构、行业等)
If someone shakes up something such as an organization, an institution, or a profession, they make major changes to it.

e.g. The government wanted to reform the institutions, to shake up the country...
e.g. Shareholders are preparing to shake things up in the boardrooms of America.

2. 使震动;使激动;使心烦意乱
If you are shaken up or shook up by an unpleasant experience, it makes you feel shocked and upset, and unable to think calmly or clearly.

e.g. The jockey was shaken up when he was thrown twice from his horse yesterday...
e.g. He was in the car when those people died. That really shook him up...

1. 摇匀;激励,使振作:shake off 撵走,摆脱;抖落 | shake up 摇匀;激励,使振作 | share in 分享,分担


2. 摇匀:shake the elbows 掷骰子 | shake up 摇匀 | shake 摇动

3. 动摇:shake-out 抖出 | shake-up 动摇 | shakedown 摇落

4. shake up

4. 构重大改组:shake-out迫使估价暴跌 | shake-up构重大改组 | shame corporation虚假公司

And he wants to shake up a police department that is demoralised and in need of change.(他想要重振急需改变的警察局的士气。)
This collection, sure to shake up your between-the-sheets routine.(这一组收藏一定能彻底颠覆你那些床第之间的常规。)
Having reengineered their products for emerging markets, Japanese firms may now have to shake up their corporate culture.(在新兴市场,日企不仅需要调整产品结构,还应调整其企业文化。)
To shake up the industry, SuperBulbs' designs would need to be the equivalent of 60 watts and higher.(为了震撼整个行业,超级灯管的设计需要至少60瓦特当量。)
Uncompetitive economies must shake up their labour and product markets.(竞争力不足的经济体必须对他们的劳动力及产品市场重新整合。)
But I'm curious about the potential for e-readers to shake up our book-purchasing habits.(但是我对电子书读者会如何潜在的影响传统书籍市场买卖习惯很感兴趣。)
But its efforts to shake up education have been disappointingly timid.(但是,整顿教育的努力却令人失望地失败。)
The new chairman will shake up the company.(新任董事长将重新改组公司。)
The British Council, a cultural body, says there is concern in China, in particular, over the coming shake-up.(英国文化委员会指出,一些国家对这留学上的剧变存在担心,尤其是中国。)
Shake up the quintessential powder in the bag, tear down the smaller paster of the ventilate adhesive plaster, and then attach the bag to the volar.(摇晃袋子中的精华粉,撕下透气胶布的较小贴纸,然后将袋子贴到到足底。)
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